Limestone, Travertine & Slate


Abundantly found across the planet, the formation of limestone occurs due to the gradual deposition of marine animals and their remains, over thousands of years. Being a soft stone, it can be easily shaped and cut, making it one of the most preferred stones for architects, interior designers and home owners alike. Travertine is a form of limestone deposited by mineral springs (mostly, hot springs). It has a fibrous appearance and texture and is found in white, cream, off-white, gold and certain reddish hues. It has been used in a number of significant historical buildings—the Pyramids of Egypt, the Taj Mahal in India, the Houses of Parliament in London etc. The naturally light colours of such stones create a classy and elegant ambience for every environment. Both limestone and travertine can be polished for a smoother look and texture. Not very difficult to maintain, they should be cleaned with neutral or mildly alkaline based cleaners. Acidic cleaning agents are best avoided as they can be harmful to the product in the long run.
